Cervical Screening
To reduce the risk of cervical cancer you should have regular pap tests. There is usually a 6 month follow up on any abnormal testing. This doesn’t mean you have cancer. They are abnormal cells and can be caused by inflammation. They will usually change back to normal within the 6 months. If not and the cells are still present, you may be referred to a gynaecologist for a closer look called a colposcopy. They take a look at the cervix with a magnified lens which gives more detail.
Pap smears are an important part of a women’s health
A pap test could save your life!
Pap smears are recommended to women over 25 who are sexually active
Pap smears are now done according to the guidelines from the Ministry of Health - every three years starting at age 25 if sexually active
Routine screening every three years between ages 25-69
If an abnormal test comes back, we will be calling to arrange a repeat test in 1 year
If you are having any abnormal bleeding or discharge you should call and book an appointment to be assessed